Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday the 21st of July 2008...

Nothing spectacular about Monday the 21st of July,2008... Am not sure why i have titled it hence. But I am in no mood to use the 'delete' key today. There is an ugly spot on it that requires cleaning.

"I have been losing track of the days and time since the past month. Dont me give that ridiculous look, Mr.warriOr!!" said the warriEr to the warriOr...who is none other than a persona identified by the author as a result of a ludicrous state of mind. Now one would imagine there would be a plausible reason; but the answer is 'NO' (font size 200 if it exists!). All i am trying to do is get into a character, a character who is a part of me; maybe within me....some one who is yet to identify his identity. This is a honest venture in the research of self-identifyology....(i created that word). Hmm....this reminds me of the JOKER. I am serious.

'The Dark Knight' hit the theatres on Friday the 18th (not the 13th). With all the hype surrounding it and ofcourse being the last movie by 'heath ledger', i too wanted to act like a batman fanatic. In a city like College Station, you would not really have expected a theatre to be house full; which was the case and hence I had to wait for a 11pm show (ah...these crazy texans). Painful as it was i had made up my mind to watch the movie even if it meant sitting in the second row. The american phrase "you are in my face" holds good, especially while monitoring the movements across the screen at an angle of 42 deg and 27 minutes. At the end of 2hrs and 30 mins, one would not have to wonder the reason for the death of a promising actor at a young age who has delivered a stunning performance, and they remain etched in the brain cells as you leave the hall. To get under the skin of the JOKER and portray his 'identity'on the screen is tougher than scaling Mt. Everest....Now all those medications are understandable. Heath Ledger had an identity! Now he has a dual identity as he lives in the hearts of millions.... I second the motion for a posthumous OSCAR!!

"Allight Mr. WarriEr! now that you have proved your pointless point, can we make a move? After that one hour work-out in the jam packed rec-centre, I am more concerned about OUR stomach than YOUR identity".

"Eh... Mr. WarriOr, I am trying to mobilize my feet but at this point of time they seem to be paralysed due to the horrendous tunes played by some asian chick. I think she is learning the piano, but does she have to choose the memorial centre??? of horrifying memories!!"

One look at her face; i could not make out her brand... (chinese/korean..? singaporean?..).! Here i am complaining about 'identity', God help these Asians. But please do identify yourself before you do that!! I am tired of religious wars in the name of Allah, Ram, Krishna, Jesus.......


Jeannie Flores Gill said...

"What's in a Name" is what comes to mind. Your name is the only way to describe yourself in a nutshell. Trying to begin to explain who you are can be an overwhelming task...........and so.....why question, when asked "who are you", "describe yourself briefly"..........simply stand tall, smile, and say...I am NITIN WARRIER, period. :)

Archana said...

Yet to see the movie!! Its toping imdb now.. makes me really curious about so much of hype created and the movie(read Heath Ledger) actually living up to it!

Nitin said...

well J....its easy to say that!! "I am nitin warrier". We all still have to travel around carrying identity prove that we are the same person! :) (driving license/passport/SSN etc etc....)

@Arch: watch it. He is the character that shines through the movie... :)Batman is a distant second....