Wednesday, July 23, 2008

words of wisdom for american/asian (other than india) brand ambassadors....

Of recent statistics seemed to indicate increasing number of foreigners (Americans flocking to visit India instead of Europe). Thats understandable, playing see saw with the Indian rupee is more profitable than with the Euro. India has always stretched her arms wide open....more inflow of dollar!!. Tourism is one of the biggest industry in many states across the nation of one billion. There is diversity in the approaches too. Rajasthan promotes drinking, Gujarat is a dry state and Goa (it goes without saying). Some of my friends (americans and asians) had been asking me of the tourist destinations, the do's and don'ts, etc... Thats usually a never ending list in a country such as India. Let me start of with explaining some of the do's/dont's and watch out's.... It is not a comprehensive list but certainly, things that one would want to consider for sure.

Let me start of with priority: on road features!!
1. Walking is safe, as long as you walk on the road and not on the pedestrian pavement, for there are no pedestrian pavements! You are more likely to fall into a ditch, twist your ankle while walking on the so called paths. Or you are more likely to trip over an electric wire, people, cycles. Almost anything and everything can occupy a pedestrian path.
2. Keep a watch out for traffic in all directions. In america, all are trained for 'defensive driving', but in India its all about 'attacking driving'. 75% of the people love formula 1 racing on the streets where the maxium average speeds are at the most 30 mph (50kph). Don't even bother to look at the speedometers in a taxi if you end up traveling one. Heart failure is possible.
3. Never drive your own vehicle. Thats as good as seeking an appointment with death.
4. People love to use the horns. They even try to make it a musical tune. So dont be offended. If your ears are sensitive, be sure to carry an extra pound of cotton. You will need it.
5. Never stay in a line. You are more likely to cause congestion by doing that. Every space on the road counts. Hence dont stick your head out of the vehicle. You don't have health insurance coverage in India. Dont be surprised either to see side view mirrors of vehicles kissing each other.
6. Never stay behind an auto rickshaw. They are likely to do a 180 deg turn at any point of time. Always watch out for hand signals, in some cities the leg is used. Indicators are mere show cases.
7. At night, if you happen to travel on the road, watch out for the one eyed monsters. Mostly, they are trucks with one functioning headlight. Its most likely the drivers are drunk.
8. Animals have their own right of way. Its totally flexible. If you see a cow, dont disturb it. Cow is sacred in India. Dogs often have the tendency to run besides two wheelers and cars, baring their teeth. Its just a show of affection, but i would advise against sticking out your hand or leg for that matter!
9. Policemen/con-men are everywhere on the streets. And they will dissapear exactly when you need them. Its black magic. Even if you happen to see a green signal, always keep a watch on what he policeman signals. Traffic moves according to his musical arm movements.
10. Never enter a one way street. Its most likely that you will confront vehicular traffic from the opposite direction. One way essentially indicates one way in both direction. In some cities like bangalore, one ways have so been planned that you would end up circulating. Reminiscence of the American freeway loops - difference being ten lanes there, and two lanes here.
11. Camels, Horses, Oxen are all part of the traffic composition. We in india believe in equality.
12. If you happen to visit chennai (you would know by the yellow colored auto rickshaws, and taxi drivers who have faces similar to veerappan), walking would be a cheaper option to a rickshaw or taxi. Drivers have the tendency to be extremely friendly and show you the whole city while covering 5 miles.
13. People will be often found to be hanging from buses, vans, trains. Its perfectly normal for someone to jump or fall off a moving vehicle. Accident rates are as high as US, less with people but more with animals. We believe in being a global nation.

Most of the 'routes' mentioned above help attain 'Nirvana'.

Market Features:
13. Walk around with a local you know, lest you get duped while buying. That which is sold at Rs.100 to an indian, you are more likely to end up paying Rs. 500 (as bare minimum). Dont even try to argue in such a case. Indians have no idea of bargaining.
14. If you happen to walk into shops run by chinese, dont bother taking an indian with you. Indians cannot bargain, and the chinese cannot give a bargain.
15. If people are eyeing you on the streets, those are not signs of inquisitiveness. Make a run for it with your belongings, take cab to your hotel, get under the bed and wait until its dawn.
16. You would want to avoid eating food from the streets. Colorful as it looks, dont get deceived. It would also be home to a number of bacteria, viruses and fellow cousins. Only the indian digestive system has been designed to fight it.
17. If you happen to visit Kerala, dont be surprised if you dont see people. Its most likely that there has been a call for a protest (and dont be surprised if the reason is someone has got killed in thailand). Another aspect, majority of shops in Kerala close at 8pm. People actively watch soaps on TV. So shopping is a day time activity.

These are the basic principles. So dont worry, now you have a clear picture of what to DO. Its not a great deal. Keep an open mind. India always welcomes foreigners. The best locations, cheapest arrangements, diverse ethnic food and name it!! Welcome to Heaven.


honshu said...

awesome man!!!!

dil garden garden ho gaya...

Nitin Warrier said...

kabhi to 'landscape' se bahar nikal!! :)